Workaholics Wiki

“I haven’t been the same since Michael Jackson died in that knife fight.”

The Promotion is the fourth episode in the first season of Workaholics that first aired on April 27, 2011.


When rumors of a promotion spread at work, the guy's allegiances to one another are tested as they all vie for the new job.


Salesman Ders tries for an opportunity to receive a senior sales promotion and a key to the executive restroom, something both his roommates Blake and Adam do not care much about. They team up and devise schemes on how to prevent Anders from receiving the promotion. Many of the pranks they pull on Anders grow worse and worse. He soon has enough and threatens to leave them. Soon Adam and Blake feel bad try to reconcile by trying to get Anders the promotion.. He soon gets it and reveals the threat was a con just to have the two of them to support his cause in getting the promotion. Ders' new position goes to his head and begins bossing everyone in the office around as well as flaunting his new suit. After having enough, Adam and Blake put a bike lock around Ders' neck while he was sleeping and refused to give him the key. Alice finally lost patience with Ders and took away his senior sales position as well as the executive restroom key. Adam and Blake revealed the executive restroom key was also the key to the bike lock.




  • Ptolemy Slocum as Waiter
  • Mikey Reid as Chef
  • Tom Virtue as Client

